dimarts, 26 de juny del 2012

dilluns, 4 de juny del 2012

La vostra obra: EL BANC DEL TEMPS

Haureu de posar el volum a "tope"! A l'escola no parlau tan fluixet, eh? Enhorabona per la feina feta! Salut!

dimecres, 16 de maig del 2012

Our famous heros, explorers, scientists...

NOUHAILA: Pablo Picasso was a Spanish sculptor and painter. He was born on 25th October of 1881 in Málaga and died on 8th April of 1973 in France. He had grey hair and black eyes. He became very famous.

DIDAC: Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek philosopher and a great mathematician. He went to Mesopotamia and Egypt. He invented the Pythagorean pentagon. He also was a great astronomer and a musician.

MIRANDA: John Baird was a famous inventor. He was Scottish. He was born in 1888. He invented the television in 1926. He had short, dark, straight hair and big eyes. The television was inaugurated in 1936 in London. John Baird died in 1946.

ARIADNA: Christopher Columbus was a discoverer. He was very intelligent. He discovered America in 1492. He was very famous. He read lots of books.

MIQUEL: Jacques-Yves Cousteau was a French explorer. He had black hair and brown eyes. He discovered many things in the water. Under the sea he explored in the submarine. He made a great film: "Le Monde du silence" (The Silent World). He won three Oscars in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science in Hollywood.

VICENÇ: His name was Leonardo da Vinci. He was an inventor, painter, sculptor and lots of other things. His most famous picture was "Mona Lisa" and his most famous invention was the "Swing Bridge". He was very important in the history and in daily life.

NEUS: Sant Jordi (Saint George) was a hero. He went to help the people of a village. He visited the village and saved the people of that monster, the dragon. They were in war. He won. He had short brown hair and small blue eyes.

dilluns, 14 de maig del 2012

La Flama (Obrint Pas)

Aquí teniu la música i lletra de la cançó que hem triat pel nostre ball de final de curs... Que vagi de gust! A més, a l'apartat de MÚSICA teniu l'enllaç de la pàgina web del grup OBRINT PAS. Allà hi podeu xafardejar, escoltar més de les seves cançons, llegir notícies, mirar les dates dels seus concerts... Per cert, ja sabíeu que el 13 d'agost (per les festes de Sant Roc) els tindreu a Porreres? Salut!

divendres, 11 de maig del 2012


Ja heu tingut temps per pensar cançons que siguin en català per poder fer al "ball de final de curs"?
Jo ja en tenc "un parell" de pensades...
Estaria bé que anéssiu fent comentaris i dir quina us agradaria ballar i/o cantar.
Segur que n'hi ha més d'una que us agrada molt i que no us la podeu treure del cap!
Si qualcú és molt atrevit i expert (com s'ha suggerit a l'aula abans de partir cap a casa), pot crear la seva pròpia cançó i dilluns la podríem escoltar...
Si dilluns tenim les vostres propostes en farem la votació.
Bon cap de setmana!

dimarts, 8 de maig del 2012

Sortida de 3r Cicle a l'Aula del Mar (Sa Ràpita)

En Vicenç, en Miquel, na Neus i en Didac són els primers de 6è a pujar a dins la barqueta, na Xisca i n'Aixa de 5è els acompanyen...

 Tot seguit s'han embarcat n'Ariadna, na Flopi, na Bianca, n'Estera i na Miranda. Les tres darreres s'amaguen; estaven empegueïdes i sembla que no volien sortir a la foto...

 I aquí tenim a la resta: en William, en Mohamed, n'Ilyass, en Toni i en Mourad (de 5è) que tampoc volia mirar la càmera...

I aquí els teniu! Totes tres embarcacions plenes i iniciant el "llarg viatge"! 
A reveure!

divendres, 4 de maig del 2012

In the English class, we practice stories in past about monsters...

I went to Ibiza on holiday and I saw a beach. I liked playing with my cousin and my friend Tom. Tom had short blond hair and big green eyes. I watched Tagomago and visited it. It was very beautiful. In my room, in the hotel, there was a big animal behind the door. He was green and big. He had blond hair and he was very ugly. It was a monster. (Miranda)

I went to China on holiday and I saw a big animal. He was blue and his eyes were small and red. He had big long legs with green stripes. He also had small hands. He was a very strange animal. I went to the hotel. I said that to my mum. My mum said that I was crazy. (Lara)

I went to Africa on holiday and I saw Mary the monster. She lives in a dune. There was lots of sand. I wrote my book “Mary is ugly”. She had long brown hair and big red eyes. My holiday was fantastic. I loved Africa. It was very funny. (Neus)

I went to Romania on holiday and I saw a monster. He was in the castle on a mountain. He was ugly, tall and strong. He had got long black hair, black eyes and very long teeth. He was intelligent and brave. He was a vampire. I liked him very much. It was fantastic. (Nouhaila)

I went to greece on holiday and I saw the minotaurus. I watched him running in a maze. It was fantastic. He had a bull's head and a man's body. He also had a long tail. I took a picture. He was very strong and nice. (Didac)

I went to London on holiday and I watched lots of animals. In the zoo I watched a great monster. The monster talked. The monster became very famous thanks to me. She liked writing and talking. She was green. She had long hair and blue eyes. (Miquel)

Obres de Leonardo da Vinci...

Totes aquestes obres de Leonardo da Vinci surten anomenades a la lectura de la Unitat 7...

La Gioconda 

El Sant Sopar 

L'Home de Vitrubi

dilluns, 23 d’abril del 2012


"The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore" (2011). Desig que vos agradi tant com me va agradar a mi... Salut!

divendres, 20 d’abril del 2012


Here you've got the information for your optional task. Have a nice weekend! See you!